I have been getting emails from others that have gotten their copy in the mail..I'm still waiting on mine!!..So hopefully soon!..Or if it comes to our local Walmart..Whichever is first!!
It's been a sad time in our household for mama anyway!..I had to start Luke in school on Monday..My 3 year old in school..NEVER thought it would happen!!!...I wasn't going to send him til kindergarten like I did Taylor...But he has been struggling with putting his sentences together even though he says lots of words....So we made the decision that speech therapy would be good for him....I love his teacher and that has helped, but our babies and toddlers are only little for so long and I wanted him home...Once they start school they are in it for now on...So mama isn't happy right now, but the GOOD LORD knew I needed to keep busy, so I want to personally THANK all my customers who keep ordering and keep coming back for more offerings...I have so many orders to keep me busy this week and next!!..Thank you my friends!!!..
So while Luke was at his first day of school yesterday Taylor and I grabbed breakfast and went to Hobby Lobby....This is only 2nd time I have been there since it opened on January...I was hoping to find some more unfinished baskets, but no luck...I sold out on all the others...I had already searched Michael's and JoAnn's on Saturday...but I did find a goody I will be offering soon...I spent last night in the garage sanding...A little tease for you~~It has a hidden compartment...I haven't decided what to do with it yet, but something will hopefully come to me...
The other things I found were some neat frames that I painted and distressed....I'm thinking on what to put in them....I did bring one thing home for me..I bought a long shelf/tray that was in the decorating section..It looks like it is made out of old barn wood...It can be hung or laid on a table with drieds and fixins in each compartment....And it was 50% off, so it was only $7.50...I will try to get a picture made of it soon...
That is about it for now!..Just trying to keep my mind busy while missing my little boy!..I cried on the phone while telling my mom on Friday..No, balled like a baby telling her he is too little to go to school.....LOL....I know it is good for him, but I'm a stay at home mom that focuses everything around my family....But I can laugh when I hear my daughter say, "Mom's going to get her social life back!"...Well, for 2 1/2 hours every morning I guess I will, but that is about all the time I need til time to go back to get my baby boy...LOL
And thank you Sherrie!!!!...My sweet friend from South Carolina!..She has been sending me emails of encouragement and bringing a smile to my face...
Until next time!!~~hugs, Jen
On another note!...Tiger Woods is here in Augusta practicing for the Master's coming up in a few weeks!...It's that time of the year!
Jen, Your pictures came out so good!Congrats to you,you must be on cloud 9!
I know the feeling Jen....it's very sad when you're youngest starts school and you're home all alone. What to do......HA!
hugs, Judy
Hi Jen,
Your home is just lovely. I can't wait to get my hands on the magazine. I know it's hard to have the little one at school but just think of all the exciting stories he'll be sharing about his day when he gets home! It's a new advenure for both of you. Take care.
such a great honor to have your beautiful home featured! congratulations!!! My sons are all grown now, the oldest 17 but I still remember how sad I was to see them off at school and I had to remind myself it was a good thing for them.
aww....that's so true, they don't stay little nearly long enough!
love the pics! still waiting on my copy too!
I got my copy today and loved looking at your pictures. Your home is lovely. I will enjoy looking over and over again at all your goodies.
You poor Mama, it's so hard when those little ones go off to school. Your home looks wonderful as always ~ haven't gotten my issue yet, either.
Your post really tugged on my heart strings having a 3 year old boy of my own. Just thinking about the day I have to put him in school makes me cry, and I'm an elementary school teacher. However, I don't teach at the school he'll attend, unless I decide to take him to my school with me. But on the other side of your situation, I know how much the social exposure will help his oral language develop. Stay strong, it's probably for the best. But just remember, my heart goes out to you.
The pictures look wonderful! I can not wait to get my Country Sampler! I am sure you are very excited! ~Dan~
I got my copy and Jen, your home looks AWESOME!!! The pics, the article, everything is great! Congratulations on a job well done.
Gosh, don't those little ones grow up way too fast? He's going to do just fine and Mom will too in due time. Big hugs my friend!!
Oh well, I am one of the lucky ones....I GOT MY COUNTRY SAMPLER!!! Your home is absolutely awesome and the write up is soooo you!!! You have got to be one proud girl...what an honor. There are some nice prim/colonial homes featured but yours is surely one of the best. I am so proud for you and your family!
Not going to say much about the "little man"...as I have already said, he is going to be fine and so are you!! God is Good!
Hugs, Sherrie
You have such a warm country home, I could sit here all night looking at all the decor... Oh, I sooooo love the country life!
It is sad seeing your baby off to school, but he is more than likely loving it, new friends, and all...
P.S. Oh, it's time for the Country sampler, funny considering I was just thinking about that the other day. I'm so excited to see more of your home, it's just so welcoming.
I get my sampler at the walmart, but dont know if they got it yet. I know you are happy that your home is going to be in it. Congrulation! It is very hard to see the little one to go to school,kept your days busy and he will be back befor you know it. Have a blessful evening!
Your pictures are lovely! Can't wait to get my copy of the magazine. I can so relate about your sadness at sending your little boy off to school, I remember when my daughter started kindergarten she marched in looking at the experience as an adventure, while Mama went out the car and cried :) each day it gets easier.
The pictures look great! You must be so proud. I know I would be. :)
I know its hard to send Luke off to school... I had a hard time when I sent my Luke off 20 years ago.... Think of the nice 'me' time you will have to relax and do what you want to do. He is gonna love it too being able to make new friends.
Take Care,
I remember when my baby girl started school...I cried too. It'll just take some getting use to but I'm sure you'll do fine=)
I loooooove your home...it is absolutely beautiful!!!
Can't wait to see what you are working on!!!
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