It's Whatcha Working on Wednesday!!!....We'll right now I'm still working on a Stacy Nash halloween sampler...I haven't gotten very far and even though halloween is almost here I will complete it before moving on to something else...I just need to stay off the computer more at night..HA!....

I'm also working on deciding where to put these..I pulled them out of a box in the garage this past weekend....I really need some shelves or cabinets..But I'm taking my time decorating...I have some furniture pieces that I need to get made...So these items will probably go back in a box til I know exactly where to put them....

And here is my new towel rack...I threw some ripped osnaburg on it for now til I find the time to get some towels made...I then added a twig wreath, some berries, and a sampler I had...How does it look???....OK?!?

And while I was gone Heather{ebay-oldesummerkitchen} called me from PA on my cell phone...I'm buying a twiggy primitive Christmas tree from her...She was at the place that she buys them and called to tell me me sizes available and prices...So I decided on a 8 foot tree...YEAH!!!...I'm soooo excited!!...I can't wait to get it!!!...More details on that later!!....I've got to get Luke up!!...That hour sure did fly by!!..Now it's time for a light dinner{soup and sandwiches}when Tim gets in,some housework, and then a hour trip to get Taylor....Have a blessed evening!!....Jen
Your stitchery will be great when finished. Where did you get that awesome prim towel rack? I love it.
Love your Halloween stitching and especially the one on the towel rack:)
Love the towel rack! And it looks great. I always thought I'd like to have one and now ... well I simply must.
Your stitching looks just great. Aren't Stacy's designs fun?
Now get some rest!
PS I have a Luke too!
Hi Jen I saw you left a message on Angie of Simple thyme primitives and I just wanted to wish you a Happy birthday!! I also love your blog, I am going to add you to my bloglist if you don't mind!!! I love your towel rack it's great!! Have a wonderful night!~Wendy
i think the decorating loks great!! get the stitchery finished.. i wish we could stitch and type at the same time. :)
Hi Pam!...I got the towel rack on ebay..seller-oldefarmcreek..It was only $9.99....Love your blog!!....Jen
Hi Wendy!...I left you a Happy Birthday message on your blog!!...jen
To everyone...I love reading your messages to me...Thanks!....Jen
I have a few fall projects that I'm still working on and I feel like time is running out. I never finished decorating for fall either! Whoops! I guess we'll just pass on that one and complete what I can. Fall isn't really over yet.
I like your Prim towel rack...very cute :) I hope you find spaces for your items that you dug out. I have a few things here that are just sitting while I find the perfect spot!
Have a great day :)
Jen, I am pretty new to your blog but wanted to let you know that I really enjoy it. I always look at your home pictures on web shots, which by the way is just beautiful! I so love all your needle work...it's amazing! Your new towel rack looks great and the only thing I can say about your stitchery hanging there is WONDERFUL! pam
I just found your blog through Leslies "Whatcha Working on Wednesday" list. I added you to my blog list so that i may come back to visit ya! OH BTW, I hope you had an awesome Birthday yesterday! Blessings
Isn't Heather great! I love her and I am getting one of those trees also. She has my house smelling great.
I won your pillow on Ebay and got it last week! I love it! I do stitchery, but don't have the patience for cross stitch! Thanks, sherri
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