October 27, 2010

Aww! It's my birthday all day!!!..I've been overwhelmed by birthday wishes from old childhood classmates, family, and friends in phone calls, emails, and facebook!...The computer is a wonderful thing!!!

I wanted to share with you the post I got from my daughter, Taylor...She went to class this morning and came home with a big bouquet of balloons and made me breakfast before heading back to school...THANK YOU TAYLOR!

Taylor Gass

Taylor Gass MOMMM!!! I hope you have a super fab coffee-dyed birfffday with some rust spots and places beaten with hammers. :) LOVE YOU!

That made me laugh!!


 Thank you all for blessing me by coming to see what goes on in my little part of the world....With compliments, words of encouragement, and sharing your world with me....I'm blessed on this, my 44th birthday, that God has given me!!...May God bless you all in return!!...BIG HUGS, Jen


Carmen and the Primcats said...

Well Happy Birthday to you!!!! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Carmen and the Primcats

Unknown said...

Happy, happy BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!

Megan @ Stitchinthedayaway said...

I hope the day continues to get even better for you!!! Have a very Happy Birthday & many, many more :)

Farm Field Primitives said...

Happy birthday. Sounds like Taylor knows just what kind you would like!!!

denise said...


prims by olde lady morgan said...

jen, happy Birthday and many, many more!!! OLM

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Happy Birthday & Many>>>Many More!!!
So sweet of your daughter!


Janet - underthewillow said...

Happy Birthday!


JenR65 said...

Happy Birthday! I love your daughters sentiment, isn't that what every prim mom wants!

The Homestead said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY have a wondrful and blessed day ")

Penny said...

Happy Birthday, Jen!!

Craftyperson said...

Happy Birthday Jen.....Have a wonderful day...

Wendy/TheCozyYellowHouse said...

Happy Birthday Jen!!! I am so glad it has been a wonderfully Blessed day for you!!:0) How awesome your daughter "gets" you!!LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday.....!

Alicia said...

Hope you are having a wonderful day filled with laughter and love!

tarrah said...

Oh my gosh Jen, I didn't know it was your birthday! Well, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" friend. And many, many, many happy more!
God has certainly blessed you!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Jen!

Taylor's message was so sweet, Jen.

Hope you have had a wonderful day!!


HomeSpunPrims said...

Wishing you a year filled with many blessings. Loved your daughters b-day wishes! Too cute!

Jeanne said...

Happy Birthday....and many, many, many more !!!!

christina said...

Hope you had a wonderful birthday Jen!!!!~~Christina~~

Debbie S. said...

Happy Birthday!
Debbie S.

pjrusty122 said...

happy birthday. i also like to celebrate all month long.(my birthday is in december) have learned in the last year, to enjoy each day as it comes, and rejoice. have a great rusty, peeling, old, dented, well-worn and grungy celebration. patti(pjrusty)

Rugs and Pugs said...

Jen ~
Happy, happy birfffday and many,many more.
Pug hugs :)

Lee Morrison said...

I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday, Jen!! Happy "belated" Birthday!!
