May 9, 2011

Hi everyone!!!...I'm trying to get back into the real world today with our normal routine...I sure wish i could have woke up this morning to the sound of the waves...But, school will be out next week and I need to get loose ends tied up with orders and get things mailed this week....So, it will be a busy week!!...I made myself a deadline, so I can get started on new items soon...Sooooo exciting!!!

I also meant to post the winner of my sampler that was through "A Primitive Place" before i left on my trip, but time ran out on me....So be sure to go visit Tracey or Granny Trace as I know her...She leaves me the sweetest comments....Visit here (click on the word here) And Congratulations!!!!

~~hugs, Jen 


lms said...

welcome home jenn, don't you just love vacations...wish they would never end....but being home doing what needs to be done always feels good too...have a great week and enjoy your last week before school gets out

Trace4J said...

Thank you so much for having a link to my blog. You are so kind!
You and your family are always in my prayers.
Can't wait to get your beautiful stitch sampler. You are so talented.
Have a great week..
Hugs Granny Trace

Anonymous said...

You are one lucky lady! A vacation and only one more week of school left? Lucky and talented! I love your work. I am your newest follower stop over sometime and check out my primitive paintings! Blessings, Kori