October 17, 2017

In My Garden....

 Roses~Lavender~Leaves....My morning walk about...Autumn temps have finally arrived this morning...The high today is 73° which is cool for us with these 90's we've been having...My roses are loving these cooler temps...I have little buds bursting out everywhere on them...Pink, red, yellow, orange, and white....Leaves are falling everywhere preparing my garden areas for their autumn beds... My first year for lavender plants...I have lost a few, but the 8 surviving ones gave me some unexpected purple blooms...I wasn't expecting them til next year...I'm already dreaming of the spring and some new beds but looking forward to a rest...

I hope everyone is having a good morning..My eldest is home with a sick stomach..I pray it is not contagious...

From the farmhouse~~hugs, Jen


Vicki Jo said...

I love you blog so much! Thanks for sharing your garden!

Julie said...

So pleased to have you blogging again ... just enjoy your posts so much. We are heading into spring over here so its lovely to see the autumn tonings appear in your garden. Xx

taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

Thank you for visiting and following along Vickie Jo! Have a blessed evening!

taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

Hi Julie! I see that you are from New Zealand...Spring is such a beautiful time of the year and I love it so...Thank you for visiting and following along...Have a blessed week!

LaNelle said...

Such beauty all your work is showing so lovely...🌹nice to see when here in northern MN all plants like that are long gone....enjoy your cooler weather🍂

Jessica said...

Very beautiful roses and that is so neat about your lavender. I hope to grow it someday too, we'll see! I hope your eldest feels better soon!

taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

Hi LaNelle! Thank you for visiting! The cooler temps were just a tease...Humidity is coming back and the 80's...Crazy weather we have!

taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

Hi Jessica! I am by no means an expert in lavender but hopefully it will come back next year...I have wanted to try it for a long time..Thank you! Taylor is feeling better and thankfully, so far, no one else has gotten it..

taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

Hi Jessica! I am by no means an expert in lavender but hopefully it will come back next year...I have wanted to try it for a long time..Thank you! Taylor is feeling better and thankfully, so far, no one else has gotten it..

taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

Hi LaNelle! Thank you for visiting! The cooler temps were just a tease...Humidity is coming back and the 80's...Crazy weather we have!

marnie said...

Your flowers are beautiful. We have always had a tough time growing roses. We transplanted a bush from my brother’s yard before they sold the house for our niece. We thought we had lost it but Don brought it back and it seems to be doing well.

taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

hi Marnie! It is tough here also..We have such sandy soil being several hours from the coast...I have one that was gifted to me that I thought wasn't going to make it since it hadn't been in soil for 2 days when I got it...But it is slowly coming back to life...I will spend the winter dreaming of springtime and my flowers...Have a lovely weekend!!

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