Yesterday, March 26th, was our 24th wedding anniversary......These are my 12 roses Tim brought home to me...They are beautiful, so i cleared an area on the table to put them...I'm also sharing a pic of our name tags where we met....We married a week after Tim turned 20 and I was 21....So, I guess that means we grew up together...lol...We met while working at a local drug store...Tim was working towards being a drafter, so he worked part time and went to school full time...We dated for a year and he got his first drafting job shortly before we married...I continued to work at Revco til Taylor was born 2 yrs later....Wow! Seems like a lifetime ago and in some ways seems like yesterday....I pray we're blessed with many many more....
~~hugs, Jen
Happy Anniversary!!
Wishing you many, many more!!!
Happy Anniversary!! Wishing you many more years of wedding bliss..
Revco?? I have not seen that name in AGES LOL Another one Pick-N-Pay which is now Finast I think Have a great Day!
Happy Anniversary!May you be blessed with many more years!Hugs,Jen
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary...! We celebrate 25 years this Fall...Enjoy your celebrating:)
Hi Jen,my, my your roses are so beautiful,I can almost smell them,tee hee. Happy Anniversary to you two,and many more. Blessings Francine.
Happy Anniversary!!! Hubby is sweet to bring home the beautiful roses!
Blessings to you both!
Happy 24th Anniversary! to both of you and many more ahead :o)
Those roses are soooo beautiful! What a lovely gift.
Love your photos....and the tags are too sweet! Thanks! for sharing, Jen.
Have a memorable day! Congrats!
Blessings & Hugs,
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! May you be bless with many more wonderful years together.
Happy Anniversary..
Happy Anniversary! Love to hear everyone's stories of how they met. Blessings For 100 more. ~Sara
Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby, Jen! We married young, too and now it will be 47 years this May. Those roses are really beautiful! They mean so much on special occasions. You have a thoughtful husband!
I have been reading about your journey with diabetes. You are doing so well. Keep up the good work.You are very positive. That is good!
Blessings and Happy Anniversary...
A wonderful love story~
Jen ~~
Happy Anniversary to you and your Honey.
Beautiful Roses, and Cute Name Tags .....
Thanks for sharing I Love hearing how couples met.
Blessings & Hugs ~ Connie xox
Well call me late all the time.
I just don't get to my beautiful friends as quickly as I'd like to.
What a wonderfully sweet story about you and Tim...I love to hear how two people met.
Happy Anniversary dear friend!!
God bless you
Happy belated anniversary! What a small world, I used to be a Gass, for 10 yrs.. My daughter's paternal side of the family hales from Glasgow, KY. Dig your blog!
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