September 27, 2011


My 4 great grandmother is Ellender Choate Sitz...She was 8 years old in 1809....She was Native American....Very little is known about her unfortunately, but I won't give up searching....I stitched this SIMPLE sampler in her honor....


prims by olde lady morgan said...

Jen, what a wonderful honor! Love it! OLM

ctlogcabin said...

Jen ~~ So Sweet !! xox

~Judy~ said...

Very nice Jen. I love how you aged it. Good luck with your search.

hugs, Judy

renee said...

Very beautiful Jen! THey had interesting names then didn't they?
Love the history. Hope you can find out more.
Have a great week.

Farmhouse, primitives and more said...

Simply beautiful piece!

Blessing Hill Primitives said...

It's great! Everything you stitch is so nice. Terry:)

Penny said...

Love this, too, Jen! What a wonderful tribute to your 5-great- grandmother....
My great-grandmother was also a Native American. We have no info on her at all, except that my mom can remember her long braided hair! A family member is trying to get more info.... Good luck in your search!!

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Beautiful Jen~ what a nice way to treasure her memory~

Green Creek Primitives said...

Hi Jen, Love how you tie your memories of your family to your samplers, really makes them perfect heirlooms. Vicky

TheCrankyCrow said...

Beautiful, beautiful, tribute Jen - I'm sure Ellender would be honored and humbled....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

frontporchprims said...

Beautiful. I am sure she would be delighted. I love past stories of ancestors. -Steph-

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