July 12, 2011

Oh, what are you doing at 3:48 in the morning? Well, I'm re-decorating..lol....Or decluttering...I've been wanting to move all those boxes on my sideboard/buffet to try a more cleaner look....So, while I was chatting back and forth with my friend, Lori Triplett, on Facebook I decided tonight was the night... I started moving the boxes and now you can see my favorite salt glaze pottery candlesticks so much better...I like it for now...And then, of course, you have to start dusting also...

Overlook the brown paper bag (holding the rosehip) hanging from the fireplace....I think I may hang some dried herbs from there....

Off to see what else I can do before I go to bed....ugh!..What I could accomplish if I didn't have to sleep..lol

Goodnight or good morning...

~~hugs, Jen


Trace4J said...

So you are having one of those very good nights..I love those kinda of nights. Even though you dont get much sleep when you get up the house is new and fresh.:)
Hugs Trace

LibbiesHome said...

That looks so nice! I love those inspirations in the middle of the night - no one to interrupt the flow of progress. :)

Kathy (woolfind) said...

My goodness you had a surge of energy. Good for you! Everything looks beautiful. Hope you aren't dragging too much!

*Kountry*Porch*Primitives* said...

We could have been visiting at 3:00!! I was up until about 3:45 stitching a project for a swap :o) Sleep is so ever rated!! ~Kriss~

bettyj said...

Looks really good!

My Colonial Home said...

Hi Jen,
Such a beautiful warm home you have created for your family.
Everything just works...but lady...why are you working at that hour!!!! This was all worth the lost hours of sleep...well done.

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

It looks wonderful!!!So inspiring as always!!!

~Judy~ said...

Jen, always love looking at pictures of your oh so awesome home. It looks perfect.


Sabrina @Falling Leaf Woodworkers and Primitives said...

looks wonderfully cozy.. I love your displays.

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

You have many beautiful things.
My husband always thinks I'm crazy when I stay up late ~ but that's when I get more done!
Prim Blessings

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Oh you are too much my friend! When I am awake at that hour, it's cuz my arthritis hurts or my bladder is talkin to me! LOL

But lucky for US you like to tweak in the middle of the night. Looks great!! HUGS!!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Now you're making me feel guilty....I was awake like a bushy-tailed squirrel at 3 this morning....Should've gotten up and done something but, no, I sat there and wrassled with the Sandman....Love your wonderful home and all your treasures. You truly have "the touch...." Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

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