I wanted to pop on here and show you what I've been up to this week....I decided to take a few days from x-stitching and do a project that I've been putting off for months...Over 6 I know!!...I still have many to do...I have quite a few angels I'm going to make for my tree...All I can say Is GOD BLESS DOLL MAKERS!!!!!...I hate to sew...YES, a crafter that hates to sew!!...My husband came home last night to find me in the kitchen sanding my doll faces with my hand sander and spent all evening smelling my dolls baking in the oven...I still have a stack to do!!..UGH!...I'm also doing some old quilt/x-stitch sampler combinations that I'm going to offer after I get them done...I've had osnaburg and old quilts tea dying...
Here are my dolls I've been wanting for my home and now I get to find places for them...Did I mention I hate sewing?!?!?!?!?.I couldn't do this all the time!!...Bring back my x-stitch!!!...PICTURE HEAVY!!
Jen.....well, for someone who doesn't like to sew you sure are doing a good prim job of it!
I know what you mean, it is time consuming and a non-sewer or crafter doesn't fully understand what we go threw! Can't wait to see your tree all decked out.
Jen, I had to laugh out loud when I saw that poor doll laying in the oven on a broiler pan! HA!! My boys would think I had lost my mind. I think they turned out great!! Do they have faces on them or are they the face-less dolls? Anyway, I love em!!
hugs, Judy
You did a wonderful job on your dolls.
I think that is the secret to making them prim;)
Well, haven't you been a busy little bee!! Those look great, Jen! I like sewing, but dolls can be a little tedious to make. Luckily with the prim ones, you don't have to worry about sewing perfect curves!! lol
Can't wait to see your quilt/cross-stitch samplers!!
Enjoy your evening!
Oh girl - I am with you! I hate to get the machine out these days. I sew just fine - always have - made my own wedding dress - but i hate to sew now. I feel your pain!!
Look how wonderful they are all lined up in a row! Beautiful work Jen! I usually have a stack of things stitched (or a stack of pattern pieces cut out) before I move to the machine. I don't hate it, but it is definitely my least favorite part of the process! what pattern did you use for those? I love their shape :) Can't wait to see what else you have coming down the pipes! lol
I LUV your dolls. That's really a process they go through to look grungy. Good job!
For someone who hates to sew, you have sure been doing lots of it! That's a herd of dolls you've got there! They look great.
I wanted to let you know that I got my St. Nick sampler the other day! I just love it. Thank you so much! I could never stitch on weave that small, so am glad you can!
What a work of art you funny girl!!! Great job but gotta feeling we have seen the last of those. Get back to what makes you happy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!!
Have a good week-end. Hope you get your package tomorrow. Sherrie
I love the sewing part, i just hate to stuff! You did a great job on them all, did you use your own patterns?
Why don't ya make about 50 small ones and decorate your tree with just dolls this year???? I am going to have a tree full of bears, but of course I am not making them, most of them will be Boyd's Bears. The dolls are cute, you did a good job on them!
Keep on sewing...
Bear Hugs~Karen
I don't mind sewing but didn't like doing dolls. Now my mom on the other hand... dolls were her thing. She would even handstitch yarn hair. Such patience...
I think yours look wonderful! I too laughed when I saw the one laying in the broiling pan. Looked like it was sun bathing! lol
Take Care,
I still have two naked bodies hanging from a cork board in my craft room that need clothes made!
I may send them down to you!!!
Hi Jen...Your dolls look wonderful.
I not a fan of sewing either, but I think I may dislike stuffing dolls even more!
Can't wait to see your tree once it's all done!
You did a great job for someone who doesn't like to sew. I am the same way, but if it is a simple patern,I'm usually pretty good. They look fantastically prim. Can't wait to see them in their homes.
Fanastic job for someone who does not like doing it. I am not to crazy about sewing dolls either.Your tree is gonna look fabulous though!
I love your doll, how wonderful to see them all lined up, you did a great job!!! I want them all.
Jen You have been BUSY!!! I LOVE all of your dolls you've done a great job. I LOVE the picture with all of them lined up on your couch.
Love to make dolls, Love to sew but I hate the stuffing part. You made an awesome job on them , they looks nice!
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