October 20, 2010

My view into my kitchen with a touch of Fall added......

I hope you're having a blessed Fall day!!!~~hugs, Jen


prims by olde lady morgan said...

WONDERFUL!!! as always!!! OLM

Anonymous said...

Looks good is your fireplace black or red?

taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

Anne...That fireplace is red..I just recently painted my other one in my dining room black...

taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

And my fireplace in the family room is blue..

Mel said...

I love your decor, it is so warm.

I love those big open fireplaces... I have a modern fireplace with a rock front, and a very tall mantel.

Always liked the look of the old cast iron kettles hanging inside the pit.

Have a great night.

~Judy~ said...

Great pictures Jen!

Primsue said...

Beautiful! I love your red fireplace and all of your displays.

Jeanne said...

Looks so nice.....I'm trying to get my husband to make a faux fireplace for our bedroom. You did a great job !

Unknown said...

OOOOOOooooo Jen, How warm and inviting. Beautiful as always!

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Oh, it is all so perfect, I just simply love your touch, beautifully done!
It says come on in & stay awhile!
Thanks for sharing & can you come over & decorate a spare bedroom!

Dirty Martini Queen said...

Just gorgeous! I love everything.

Jennifer said...

I have always loved your home :)