October 26, 2010

We made a trip to Northwest Georgia this past Friday...Trenton, GA...Tim's hometown and where we lived for the first 9 years of our married life...It is also where i spent my holidays and summers while growing up while visiting my grandparents and family...

It is beautiful there surrounded by two mountains...Sand Mountain and Lookout Mountain...

Tim played football in high school, so we went in on Friday, so he could watch a football game...I hung out with one of my best friends, Kathy Ross...WE have been friends for about 23 years and usually when we visit I just run by and see her...But this time we ate dinner and hung out....The first time since we left Trenton 14 years ago...It was great spending time with her!!!

Then on Saturday we headed back toward Atlanta to spend the afternoon with my family....And when I go to visit I always visit Liz's Antiques...As usual I brought a few things home with me....A chair (YES, I have a few..lol) and a crock....The crock on the right in the picture...

But while still in Trenton, Tim's aunt, Louise gave me a piece of an antique baby bed...She has one piece of it in her home with candles and such hanging from it...Isn't it WONDERFUL??!!??!?!?!?!?!..I'm seeing early blue fabric hanging on it...

The only reason we could get it in our SUV is because Taylor didn't come with us on this trip...Our first trip without her...She went on a trip with a bible study group...

I hope you're having a great day!...I didn't get enough sleep last night, so I've been dragging today...UGH!..I hate days like this when I don't get much done!...Well, off to work on laundry!

Until next time!!~~hugs, Jen


Unknown said...

Hi Jen,
Sounds like a wonderful trip!
Can't wait to see what you do with the baby bed piece.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had fun!

I'm with Tammy, I cannot wait to see what you do with that interesting piece...when I first saw it I thought it was a ladder...:)

TNwoman said...

Jen, its nice to see those trees turning, I miss TN. We moved from just North of Chattanooga in May of this year. We are in Northwest Florida. Just isnt the same. Nothing can compare with the foliage and those mountains. Everything here is flat and full of pines and palms. The ocean is beautiful, but I'll take the mountains anyday. Oh, I love all the goodies you brought home.
Have a great day

basketsnprims said...

sounds like such a fun trip. I love your new wares, what fun you & I would have shopping ~ we'd probably fight over stuff, we have such similar taste, lol. Can't wait to see what you do with your new goodes. How's the Christmas sampler coming?

Red Roof Farm said...

Hey Jen,
You left a comment on my post about living near Rising Fawn. I grew up on Lookout Mtn. and also went to school in Trenton. I'm probably a bit older than your husband. When I was in high school, it was known as Northwest Georgia High School. Since then the name has been changed back to Dade County as it was pre 1976. You probably saw my nephew in the band. I know those mountains well and live at the foot of Lookout on the other side. Love the photos.

Anonymous said...

Fun trip looking forward to see what you do with the baby bed....!

Robin said...

Hi Jen~ what a wonderful weekend. Love that old baby bed piece, it will look great with olde fabric and such hanging from it. (millstonemercantile)

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

What treasures you came home with. Can't wait to see the bed piece all done up!!

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

So glad you spent time with an old friend!
The countryside how pretty!
I am loving the section of the old bed!