Hi everyone!...It has been a busy week around here...But I wanted to pop in and let you know I have a new offering on my selling blog...So, if you love peacocks then check it out....Off to start dinner!!!
Be watching for details on a giveaway!!!
~~hugs, Jen
March 31, 2011
March 22, 2011
Hi everyone!...I hope you're enjoying the first days of Spring...I wanted to pop in and let you know I've finished an order....And before i start on the next one I'm going to make a few NEW small items for my selling blog...I will let you know when this week beforehand....So check back!
And in celebration of Spring (even though we're having summer temps here) it is time for a giveaway....More on that later this week also!!
Until next time~~hugs, Jen
And in celebration of Spring (even though we're having summer temps here) it is time for a giveaway....More on that later this week also!!
Until next time~~hugs, Jen
March 13, 2011
Coverlets~~Pinkeeps~~and Scissors............

I love blue coverlets and pinkeeps...These are two of several pinkeeps that I use when I'm stitching... I mostly just use the small one that I x-stitched and carry it around with me from sewing chair to work table....I have been using it since last summer, but is sure looks nice sitting on the coverlet pinkeep!!!
I also have a few pairs of scissors...I haven't bought any in a while....I usually just use some hot pink handle kid scissors that can be left out when I'm in a hurry...Luke likes to grab them and cut stray stings off his shirts...lol.. I don't want him grabbing my extra sharp sewing scissors, so they stay tucked away in my sewing box right now....
Since I haven't bought any new ones in a while. I might have to add a few new ones to my collection soon :) ....
Until next time~~hugs, Jen
March 12, 2011
March 11, 2011
I'm having a sale....As I have told you I have been cleaning out and simplifying...So, I have gone through my selling blog and deleted all old posts of items that have sold or no longer available....ALL ITEMS ARE $20 and below......Blog clearance sale...Making way for new offerings in weeks to come!!!!
March 9, 2011
What a morning!A short visit to the orthopedic dr to have my foot looked it...Going to TRY to put off surgery til Luke gets out of school for the summer....He said if it hasn't gone away after several months then it probably isn't going to...And since I have alot of pain from it and the tendons make a popping sound....So, right now I have it propped up while Luke is asleep....
My sweet baby boy didn't go to Mother's Day Out this morning..His only day he goes because he goes to a 2 hr speech class on the other days at a local primary school...He had been complaining off and on yesterday that his wrist was hurting after him and Taylor had been horsing around...So, we had it x-rayed this morning also...He fractured one of his growth plates in his wrist...So he is now sporting a nice blue cast for the next 4 weeks....Taylor feels bad, but it was just an accident...But maybe a Happy Meal might make your little brother feel better!!..lol~~hint hint Taylor....
So, while he is asleep I'm going to rest my foot and work on an order or maybe I should nap also...I don't do that often...
I hope you all have a wonderful day....It's cloudy here, but the temp is wonderful...Definitely flip flop weather from here on out....Thank goodness...I sure can't wear a regular shoe....UGH!
Until next time~~hugs,Jen
My sweet baby boy didn't go to Mother's Day Out this morning..His only day he goes because he goes to a 2 hr speech class on the other days at a local primary school...He had been complaining off and on yesterday that his wrist was hurting after him and Taylor had been horsing around...So, we had it x-rayed this morning also...He fractured one of his growth plates in his wrist...So he is now sporting a nice blue cast for the next 4 weeks....Taylor feels bad, but it was just an accident...But maybe a Happy Meal might make your little brother feel better!!..lol~~hint hint Taylor....
So, while he is asleep I'm going to rest my foot and work on an order or maybe I should nap also...I don't do that often...
I hope you all have a wonderful day....It's cloudy here, but the temp is wonderful...Definitely flip flop weather from here on out....Thank goodness...I sure can't wear a regular shoe....UGH!
Until next time~~hugs,Jen
March 7, 2011
Some Favorite Things...............

I've slowly been adding small items to my bowl rack or in my case a tray rack....I got these trays at Michael's years ago....I remember weeding through them as alot of them had broken places and were being discontinued....I had gotten them to paint and sale, but eventually they stayed with me....
I've been adding some of my favorite things on the shelf....A lamb made by my friend Dana Harpley ....A small wax mouse I got from Stephanie Monahan back before Christmas...along with a few items I've made....
I also want to share one of my all time favorite fabrics....I don't know why it is~it just is....I have had a piece for as long as I can remember ( mom gave it to me out of her fabric stash years ago) and have only shared it on one thing I've sold....I've been saving it for something special , but not sure what...And until I got the generous gift from Edie (of blue fabric), i haven't seen any more of it anywhere....As i was going through each piece of fabric she sent me, it caught my eye...I picked it up and danced around the room while I was holding it...Yes, I danced!!!...I now have another piece of that fabric to stash away for a special project....Awww!..it's the SIMPLE things that give us such pleasure in life or at least it is for me!!!
Until next time!!!...Many Blessings Wished For You!!!~~hugs,Jen
March 6, 2011
More Organization!!!!

I'm soooooo excited!!!!...My work table is FINALLY cleared off....I had had things stacked all over it and around it for so long that it was driving me CRAZY!!!...It was ridiculous how out of control this small space was!!!...But now it is once again neat and organized...
I have a stack of little sewing projects to do that fit perfectly in the wooden antique tray my sister, Heather, gave me for Christmas...
I have all my stuffing and fabric scraps at hand in an old basket and wooden advertising box....I think my obsession for old boxes rates right up there with old primitive chairs....I have collected them for years....
And right behind my sewing machine are 4 baskets I found, like I sold last year, at Easter time....
Awww!..I love organization!!!!
Off to work on an order...Have a blessed Sunday my friends!!!~~hugs,Jen
March 2, 2011

You've got to love organization especially when you can hide it away....My chair, I x-stitch in, always gets piled up against my best efforts to not let it get that way....So, with the make-do "cabinet" I can hide my favorite primitive books and magazines....That allows space in the wooden box i keep beside my chair, that use to sit in front of the fireplace, before we got the electric fireplace.....Now the wooden box houses some of my notebooks of x-stitch patterns and current magazines I'm looking at...I THINK Tim is going to like it, too since it cleans up the area....LOL
In the 3 stacked boxes are my sewing box, scraps of x-stitch fabric, etc. close at hand....
Like I said before, it clears out a big area in my big cabinet that is next to my work table,but I'm sure I will find something else to put in there...lol
Don't you love it when a plan comes together??!!??...And when you get alot done in a day?
Until next time~~hugs,Jen
A Make-do.................

I woke up this morning thinking about Lisa's family and after taking Luke to his class at Mother's Day out I had to call and talk to my mom and talk it out...
I didn't know Lisa personally other than when I'd purchase a pattern from her or leave a comment on her blog, but her passing has weighed on my heart....Last night I picked up the card she had sent in my last pattern i got in October....I had liked the black angel on it and had kept it laying on my table all these months....The sweet message ( on the back) of thanks made me so sad as I reread it over and over last night....
Perhaps the passing of Uncle Bill, Lisa, little Rob, and the soon to be anniversary I shared (here ) is really too much....As wonderful as life can be, It can equally be unbearable at times....it just takes time for broken hearts to heal....Prayers for everyone!!!
So, today I spent my morning trying to keep my mind busy and doing something I've been wanting to do....
Do you remember that big box i brought home the week before Christmas?....I got it the day I was at my parents home celebrating an early Christmas....Well, this entire time it has been sitting under my sideboard...Last week, when I was doing all my cleaning I pulled it out and sat it on the farm table....it sat there for days....Then I sat it on it's side in the floor and let it sit there for days...I love the old weathered drab attic surface wood, but couldn't decide on just one thing to use it for....Then, I decided that I'd been wanting to make a make-do cabinet with a osnaburg curtain on it....Perfect to hide away all my primitive magazines and decorating books and give me more room in my big cabinet by my worktable....Sooooo, this is what I came up with....I tweaked, tweaked, and tweaked some more....So, for the time being the last picture with the big trencher bowl on it is how I will leave it for now....I also got the trencher the same day as the box....So what do you think????
March 1, 2011
I'm soooooooo saddened by this!!!!....Lisa was one of my favorite designers....Such Heartache!!!!!!...Prayers for the family during the hard days ahead!!!!!!
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