I'm going to stencil at some point when I decide exactly what stencils i want for each room...Trying to decide if we should paint the gathering room a lighter brown...I like that it is brown and the rest of the walls in the house are white...It sets the gathering room a bit apart from the other rooms..But if we do it will be a lighter brown to make it look brighter in there...This house is so dark....Or Tim suggested maybe a gray...
But we are starting with the laundry room I do know that...More on that room in another post...
But in the meantime, I'm working on some new offerings at night and removing things a bit each day...Some walls are completely bare already...All I know is I want a "simpler" primitive look...I'm definitely not getting rid of my primitive look...
As I got in bed this morning at 5 am Tim says..."Jenny, what happened to the picture over the bed?"..."You better not have sold it"....I had to laugh...Sooo funny as I drifted off to dream world!
~~Until next time from the homestead!
hugs, Jen
The photos of your home are beautiful and prim..I can't wait to see what you come up with in the stenciling of your room..
I love looking at all your piles of stuff, even as piles it looks great LOL, you have such beautiful primitives~~
Your home always looks so nice! I'll be anxious to see how you decide to make some changes!
SO HAPPY you are not changing your style! Too many homes that have inspired me are going to a different style and it bums me out. :( I love the drieds above your kitchen window, simply done!
Your mess still looks absoulutly beautiful. Good luck with all the changes. Can't wait to see it all done.
I know exactly how you feel...I've had the itch to change my house too! Can't wait to see what stenciling you do. It's always fun changing things around..good luck...don't work too hard! I can't imagine staying up until 5 am...you go girl!
Oooh taht little pile of quilties is gorgeous...how I would love to rummage through those! ;)
I totally relate to your wanting to "simplify". I used to *cough* hoard prim and country decor until it just got overwhelming. I don't have nearly the amount of things in my home that I used to...but it's still my taste and I have A LOT less dusting!
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